Wednesday, 9 February 2011

The Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet

Prior to your first day on The Lemonade Diet you should have taken your Nightly Laxative. On your first full day you do not need to do the SWF so you can start drinking your Lemonade immediately upon waking.

● Step 1 ● The Lemonade Diet Recipe
Soon after arising you will prepare your daily intake of Fresh Lemon Juice, Rich Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper and Pure Water. If you are doing The Salt Water Flush, you should drink your first glass of lemonade after your first bowel movement to allow the process of elimination to begin.

Drink your Lemonade Fresh! I can not stress this enough. The key to The Master Cleanse is the fresh lemon juice, and the living enzymes that it contains. The other ingredients are important as well, but the fresh lemon juice is irreplaceable (but yes, limes can be substituted).

Drink between 6 and 12 glasses of Lemonade each day (some people drink as much as 26 glasses per day). This will depend on how big or small you currently are (caloric needs), your tolerance to physical and psychological urges to eat, and your desire to to lose weight. 12 glasses per day should be your starting point from which you will make adjustments.

Lemonade Diet Ingredients

2 Tablespoons Fresh Lemon Juice
2 Tablespoons Rich Maple Syrup
1/10 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper Powder - or to taste (as much as you can stand)
8 ounces (250 milliliters of Pure Water

1. Roll each lemon firmly between your palm and the counter. Put sufficient downward pressure as you rock the lemon back and forth under your hand. You are softening the lemon to make the extraction of juice more efficient.

Note: You might get a kick out of licking the tablespoon measure after adding your maple syrup. You may even come to look forward to this part of the process --just don't "eat" the syrup in quantity

● Step 2 ● Drink Pure Water Throughout the Day
This water will cleanse your palate of the lemonade, as well as maintain the illusion that your stomach is full. You can drink as much water as you do Lemonade.

● Step 3 ● Master Cleanse Detox - Induce Daily Bowel Movements.
The Daily Detox Bowel Movement is the result from the Nightly Laxative, and The Salt Water Flush. The Salt Water Flush is optional but the Bedtime Laxative is not. Some choose to do a Morning Laxative as well.

There are several herbal laxatives that work well. Start with 4 tablets. If you cramp or wake up early with a movement, scale back to 3 tablets. If your movement doesn't happen in the morning, scale up to 5 tablets.

The Salt Water Flush

1.Using 1 liter BPA Free Water Bottle and your teaspoon measure, mix a solution of 2tsp Sea Salt and Pure Water.

NOTE: The key is to adjust the amount of salt in order to create the right solution for your individual needs. Make sure you don't used iodized table salt. NON-iodized sea salt is essential. The Salt Water Flush MUST be done on an empty stomach.

2.Shake the mixture well and move to the sink.

● Step 4 ●
After you have consumed the solution, you can go about your activities until nature calls.

When you first feel the rumble in your belly and your bowels, DON'T go running off to the bathroom. Give it a while. Let it brew! You are going to have 3-7 movements, possibly more.

NOTE: If your mixture is off or it doesn't work (check to see if you have the right kind of salt. Did you do it on an empty stomach?), don't worry. The amount of salt you just consumed is far less than your "regular", modern diet. All is well. Just try again the next day with an adjustment in the amount of salt. I suggest adding an amount to the 2 teaspoons until you are successful.

Of course, along with the sea salt, you will be expelling waste. During the first 2 days you will be moving out the remaining solid matter in the digestive tract from the days prior to the Master Cleanse.

NOTE: Your eliminations will be MOSTLY liquid from now on. You will only notice smaller material and clumps of thicker waste. Don't expect large solid movements of any kind. You should be encouraged that even on day-10 you still have dark liquid in your first movements of the day. All the dark matter is retained waste that the cleanse is loosening and removing.

Once you feel you can no longer hold out, go to the bathroom. A word of warning while you wait for this moment. DO NOT FART!!! You will most certainly not pass only air - if you know what I mean. This is also true throughout the rest of your day. Don't be fooled or you will be leaving work to change your shorts. The first movement will be rather large and fairly powerful.

Stay close to a toilet and continue to move until the frequency eases. Once you can last 15 minutes without a serious movement, you are safe to go about your day.

● Step 5 ● Stopping The Master Cleanse

Ease-Out Day 1 - Orange Juice
Manually or electrically juice enough oranges to make 2 liters of Orange Juice, mixed with water (to taste). Sometimes I find it hard to get the calories I need through the day and so I add some Maple Syrup to increase my caloric intake.

Ease-Out Day 2 - Juicing, Blending, Soups and Broths
This step preps your body for a liquid diet and delivers macro nutrients more quickly to your bloodstream. By breaking down the foods to liquids we can more readily take in the nutrients from the food. Fruit and Vegetable Juicing is very enjoyable. There are endless combination's of tasty juicing recipes. Blending is equally enjoyable. Green smoothies are like drinking a glass of healing. If you do not have a juicer, you can make soup or broths.

Ease-Out Day 3 - Living Food Diet
To do the Living Food Diet, you need only to eat live foods. Simply remove processed foods, meat and dairy from your diet. Enjoy shopping for, and eating interesting fruits and vegetables. Savor the rich flavor and textures. Be sure that you don't go to heavy on fruits as they are high in sugar. A 60/40 balance of vegetables to fruits is a good guideline.

(via Master Cleanse)

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I'm definitely going to try this when I go back next week which would be on the 16th. I'll start on the 18th then. Giving me one day to prepare myself. My family would most likely want to bring me out for food or something anyway. I've never been able to keep to diets before though... I always just end up eating lesser than suggested but this seems really little so I feel safe. We'll see.

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